Sakai 2.3.1 Open Issues

The following list of unresolved issues for Sakai 2.3.1 was created on 15 January 2007. An up-to-date version of this list is always available from Jira, Sakai's issue management system, at

Key Summary
SAK-2626 Remove IU-specific link
SAK-2773 Accessibility--Worksite Accesskey starts with "Logout" button
SAK-3172 Alert Message for too long of a Title needs fixing
SAK-3498 Need way to prevent site owners from overwriting their role status when adding participants
SAK-4264 If you exceed the upload limit mutiple alerts are generated
SAK-4511 Merged annoucements don't show in "Recent Announcements"
SAK-4566 NPE from LoginTool
SAK-4845 Incorect parameters for method on Area API and implementation
SAK-4967 Typo in Private Message Area
SAK-5341 Events logged should have unique ID and normalized reference
SAK-5648 Cannot Copy or Move Folders within a Folder
SAK-5676 List of Events Filter Events button does nothing
SAK-5757 syllabus security
SAK-5764 GB permissions duplicated in realm
SAK-5778 ToolException / IllegalStateException from Portal / Roster
SAK-5849 Email body & attachment being stripped for users using Mac Mail
SAK-5860 NPE from encodeAttribute
SAK-5864 Sort by Id column does not work
SAK-5879 Deleting email when using Previous and Next controls deletes message that was entry point from message listing, not currently viewed message
SAK-6051 A student sees all groups 'info' for a file
SAK-6096 Importing a presentation templates generated a lot of files in repository
SAK-6160 Admin archive import not bringing in Resources
SAK-6239 For any user created after version 2.2.0, the sitenav and masthead areas of the skin are 'unstable' in their 'My Workspace' worksite when using a custom user type.
SAK-6256 Control the 'Edit site permissions' link by site.upd as well as realm.upd for wiki
SAK-6268 External group provider provisioning partially ignored if no group provider is enabled
SAK-6292 membership joinable site search dead end
SAK-6306 File Uploads in resources/webdav are available-memory bound
SAK-6326 Database records created for items when user cancels 'create'
SAK-6359 !user.template permissions are displayed but not applied in Resources tool
SAK-6361 Site-level permissions are deleted when permissions are edited and inherited permissions exist
SAK-6362 !user.template and !site.helper permissions are displayed but not applied in the Forms tool
SAK-6376 addNewSite() does not correctly setup realms for created site
SAK-6378 Can not delete AcademicSessions
SAK-6388 comparator for ordering content in accessservlet not updated to use new implementation
SAK-6397 Home / Need better formatting of description text
SAK-6399 Add Podcast / No error received when adding podcast with file name of 246 chars
SAK-6400 Add Podcast / Checkbox next to Podcasts folder in Resources is selected when folder is added by system
SAK-6401 iTunes "There was a problem downloading... A secure network connection could not be established."
SAK-6403 Podcaster.css / Podcasts tool should not have its own css
SAK-6405 Options / No error message displays on Home screen when Podcasts folder is not publicly available
SAK-6412 Add Podcast / Input boxes should line up and adequate spacing is needed between title and input box
SAK-6459 file name problem in dav; dav adds .bin to name in rename
SAK-6463 Code Quality improvements
SAK-6466 Message Center / FCK editor when clicking on read full description
SAK-6473 DIgest emails at the end of the day show html code.
SAK-6478 Breadcrumbs are incorrect in sorting context
SAK-6482 No way to restore a maintainer-set ordering of resources.
SAK-6489 iTunes shows duplicate podcasts if access is changed
SAK-6491 Cannot upload a file to a blog message
SAK-6494 Text file from the Download All option in Assignment tool looses format
SAK-6499 web content tool doesn't prompt user when blank values are submitted for required fields
SAK-6508 Adding URL link for attachment files: Add button behaves only when text is typed in URL text box, not when text is pasted.
SAK-6510 shutdown error in Rights
SAK-6512 'two group' aware annoucements cause a tiny problem if one group is deleted.
SAK-6513 Can't import syllabus items from course archive
SAK-6524 Leaving a blank Minimum% prevents further edits to that %
SAK-6525 Copyright logo doesnt showup when you attach file in Syllabus
SAK-6526 Syllabus Title Alert needs slight revision
SAK-6528 'Show other sites' Resource folders have the same site's groups to display too with a bad bug that develops eventually
SAK-6546 Alert for assignments with points is non specific
SAK-6558 First uploaded image never displays correctly
SAK-6577 Text change needed on Coursesites - > Site Info -> Manage Access
SAK-6578 Course information doesnt show rosters
SAK-6580 In Discussion Search only works with 'Expand All'
SAK-6581 Duplicate Site does not give confirmation that site is actually duplicated
SAK-6582 Adding Attachment for a copyrighted item from resources does not show copyright symbol
SAK-6583 Empty Title when creating announcement gives alert that referes to title as 'subject'
SAK-6603 deleted user still remains in authz group
SAK-6610 Problem with HTML tags, or special char. being included in the Fill in Blank answers (i.e. in between the {}) .
SAK-6622 When downloading a portfolio; long wait followed by an exception
SAK-6631 Postmaster bounce emails should include the name of the site your message got bounced from
SAK-6632 "Synoptic Message Center tool" shows up in worksite setup - should be stealthed, and perhaps should not be an option
SAK-6652 Make sure that the cursor is in the Login Field when at the main sakai Page
SAK-6653 Display error message for Time/Date re-entering previously deleted data (revise screen)
SAK-6658 Special characters in Fill in the Blank are not graded and saved right (I18N)
SAK-6659 CHS.removeResource(String) method incomplete
SAK-6663 Size field in properties is blank when revising folders
SAK-6679 Chat / Updating number of messages updates number of days in options and vice versa
SAK-6680 'Reorder' can be made to not to work in for a root 'Resource' folder.
SAK-6689 Stack traces with quotes get truncated in user comments version
SAK-6691 failed to call questionScores in HistogramListener.processAction
SAK-6727 Sorting per difference columns in Section Info not consistent
SAK-6728 If eid != user_id, can't open a copyrighted file uploaded to my workspace resources
SAK-6753 Sorting 'By Group' does not work in Announcements
SAK-6755 Unable to view announcements "by group" when certain announcements are merged from course site.
SAK-6762 Index analyser is very lax about stop words
SAK-6777 problems with metacharacters in FIB questions
SAK-6783 Unable to add image to FCKeditor - Error on file upload. Error number: 203
SAK-6785 Export assessment includes user id rather than EID
SAK-6790 Samigo agent ids are too short in the database
SAK-6797 DbContentService should update records if possible instead of deleting and adding back to make a change
SAK-6798 Admin User tool - account name field label of user id is misleading, confusing with eid and user_id in map table
SAK-6803 Styles filters out CSS
SAK-6808 In custom portfolio, unable to go back to the information page until a page is saved.
SAK-6810 mailtool user selection checkbox
SAK-6826 attachments editing problems when cancel is used for the containing entity's editor
SAK-6837 Error message displayed is in the wrong location for an assignment that cannot be linked to Gradebook
SAK-6839 Profile tool doesn't work for an authenticated user viewing a site that they are not a member of (public site)
SAK-6841 Assignments: Button text in Preview of Grade Submission Screen is incorrect
SAK-6842 If zero value is given for a Grade scale in Grade option,s it cannot be edited agian.
SAK-6846 "Submit For Grade" button is seen when user reviews a submitted assessment.
SAK-6847 Student able to see (not access) unpublished wizard
SAK-6850 resources are being removed by ContentHostingService via filepicker
SAK-6854 Lost button 'submit wizard page for evaluation' after cancelling the submission
SAK-6855 HTTP Status 500 error when evaluator tries to view whole wizard reflection submitted by CIG Participant
SAK-6856 Page mismatch in Evaluations - evaluator views wrong page
SAK-6860 No preview image for canned layouts
SAK-6861 When modifying a question with "Copy from Question Pool" selected, instead update the current question, a new question is created
SAK-6863 A deleted announcement still shows up in search results after a rebuild index
SAK-6867 sorting and displaying 'List all events' in Schedule does not work.
SAK-6868 'Custom Date range' does not work with 'List all events' 'View' of schedule.
SAK-6869 Display 'Events for this week' does not work in Schedule's 'list of events'
SAK-6875 email archive / case sensitivity issues in site addresses
SAK-6876 Abstract AdditionalHibernateMappings beans are incorrectly instantiated during startup
SAK-6878 Post'em usernames stored with trailing spaces cannot be viewed by student
SAK-6885 Rwiki crashes if default_template is set to null
SAK-6886 ResourceLoader functionality should be an API
SAK-6887 Number of submissions allowed for anonymous assessment should be removed.
SAK-6891 Question Pool edit does not update when you edit or add subpools and questions at the same time
SAK-6892 add/edit MCSC question in authoring: If the selected option removed, would the next option be selected?
SAK-6895 Numeric response with 2 or more space between pipe | will cause incorrect result in delivery
SAK-6911 All Submitted Assessments (belong to different sites) are seen in every sites
SAK-6913 delivery page with background appears a white box on top of the page
SAK-6921 student score view : gaps for different part div is too big between parts.
SAK-6929 2.3 Mailtool needs ability to set 'Append to Email Archive' option on a message to message basis
SAK-6930 Slow response time when adding hundreds site participant through Site Info tool
SAK-6932 When the answer text is too long, it cannot be displayed in Question Score page
SAK-6934 Update help files to include Assignments to Gradebook export reference
SAK-6935 Fields in dw_wizard table need to have larger sizes.
SAK-6936 Course Owner can submit an assignment as a student but then cannot see it.
SAK-6939 Files are not being locked for the system layouts
SAK-6940 PM / Messages sent to outside email address should appear to come from application rather than the user
SAK-6946 ${USER_EID} should be a macro in Web Content
SAK-6948 Long Title Returns Server Error and Aborts Upload
SAK-6949 Misleading Alert Message When Uplaoding .xls File
SAK-6950 Announcement Notification Email with Image has Incomplete Link to Image
SAK-6951 Title Confusion: "Podcasts for..."
SAK-6953 Adding a duplicate file in Resources throws a permissions error
SAK-6955 delet.any permission not working as expected
SAK-6964 Need space first two sentences in Grade Options screen
SAK-6968 GlobalTriggerListener saves fired trigger events in memory which can lead to out of memory issues
SAK-6970 When updating a post, no audit to prevent duplicate titles
SAK-6975 page is catch when hitting cancel in confirm publish in author setting.
SAK-6977 Gradebook does not export content with UTF-8 characters correctly (I18N)
SAK-6978 Remove extra servlets and SOAP Monitor
SAK-6979 Grading: search student name for submission status does not return for first and last name, only for either first or last or id
SAK-6984 Last step on Import from Site should say "Finish" instead of "Continue"
SAK-6987 "all.groups" permission not working as expected
SAK-6989 Authoring: Numeric response question type should have validation for answer point value field
SAK-6990 timed assessment timer started even though username & passwoord access fails
SAK-6991 Podcasts assumes name of Resources tool to always be "Resources" - Error message needs adjustment
SAK-7001 timed assessment submitted when disconnected
SAK-7004 Poor diagnostics on missing tool registration
SAK-7007 Internet Explorer puts an extra line break into text fields when typing ENTER
SAK-7011 problem with assigning grade which is greater than maximum value
SAK-7020 Each OSP service/manager should log its startup
SAK-7021 IE6 throwing out an 'Error on page'
SAK-7022 Update RWiki help text to reflect influence of default_page page permissions on newly created pages
SAK-7024 Site Archive creates unparseable XML for some tools
SAK-7027 Reordering top-level folder shows site id instead of name as the folder name
SAK-7046 Evaluator unable to view full guidance on wizard submissions
SAK-7049 Site owner can lock themselves out of site
SAK-7050 MCSC in delivery: selection level fb should only show fb for the selected choice, not all choices
SAK-7055 Null pointer exception when filling out a hier wizard containing categories without descriptions
SAK-7056 ForumManager asumes local context for action
SAK-7057 Display problems of the discussion tool in Mozilla.
SAK-7058 Roolover text not correct when you attempt to delete a discussion
SAK-7062 The sequence used for sam_publishedsectionmetadata_t is the same used for the sam_publishedassessment_t
SAK-7064 Impossible to email anyone the correct URL for a wiki page
SAK-7065 'Back to Evaluations' button takes evaluator to Matrix grid rather than Evaluations list page
SAK-7066 Name order display in grading is wrong
SAK-7068 MIssing Open|Close All Menus in Settings for Publised Assessments
SAK-7070 remove choice for MCMC will cause in removing corrected selection
SAK-7075 Add 'Course Grade' link at the top of Overview page
SAK-7078 change timezone to time zone
SAK-7079 'Schedule' tool name should be configurable in Preferences
SAK-7083 resources / changes needed to 'Upload-Download Multiple Resources' text in Resources
SAK-7085 "Time" column of Reviewable list on Selection page need clarification
SAK-7097 Move up/down arrows alt text in sort page cannot be translated
SAK-7102 Timed Assessment is not autosubmit when timed Expired if student is not on that page
SAK-7105 Revising frequency of event from "daily" to "once" does not display event
SAK-7107 Redisplay of discussion topic list defaults to top of list
SAK-7110 Entity doc has reference to old location
SAK-7112 Unable to delete a category from a hier wizard page
SAK-7115 discrepancy in data in published url will point to a " no where page" when return is hit
SAK-7124 Javascript error
SAK-7126 Publishing assessment with no gradebook in site gives error
SAK-7128 "Auto submit when time expires" displayed when assessment is untimed
SAK-7129 Due date should show time as well on assessment info page at delivery
SAK-7130 Pressing Enter when focus is on 'Save and Continue' doesn't work
SAK-7132 Attempting to take two assessments via published URLs sequentially leads to error
SAK-7133 JVM process size grows over time and when under heavy load
SAK-7135 Student cannot view gradebook if uploaded csv file capitalized username
SAK-7141 Announcments / template name
SAK-7145 Message Center / searching causes error report
SAK-7146 Resources / modified column sorting
SAK-7156 Fill in Numerical questions still has those black circles with numbers in the item authoring page
SAK-7159 On view some users are occasionally seeing stalled pages (email transcript attached)
SAK-7160 Site Info does not respect user.add permission when adding guest accounts
SAK-7163 Membership Manager throws unessesary stack trace
SAK-7164 Make blog tool fully l10n
SAK-7165 Message Center / View "By Conversation"
SAK-7169 Message Center / When you are in the advanced search section, the frame does not resize and you get a scroll bar
SAK-7170 Message Center / Searchng the different parts of a private message tries to match all fields selected instead of any field selected.
SAK-7172 Authoring: Numeric response should have validation
SAK-7173 question pool: cancel button is not going back to the previous page - it should
SAK-7174 Save an published assessment with no gb tool added throws error
SAK-7175 Roster / view "By Role" spacing column error
SAK-7179 Dependency on activation in shared (not deployed correctly?)
SAK-7181 Edit Tools has a dependency on mailarchive
SAK-7184 RSS feed generated by Podcasts is "invalid"
SAK-7187 schedule / correct time zone not reflected in text
SAK-7189 DF posting message saves Parent topic
SAK-7190 Assignments / previewing assignment buttons
SAK-7191 OSP portal only recognizes default gateway site and ignores all others.
SAK-7192 serious mistake occurred in the section info student view
SAK-7193 Timed Assessment title with no content is displayed in setting when settings is set not editable
SAK-7194 Inconsistent text styles on main screen
SAK-7195 "Message Sent to" confirmation screen is confusing
SAK-7196 Every recipient is shown in the "To" field.
SAK-7197 Error thrown: null pointer when remove question in modify question view via edit pool
SAK-7200 Search Indexing error
SAK-7201 Rwiki update query is slow to exacute
SAK-7208 MCMC choice D is checked when page has error although D has never been checked
SAK-7234 Final Page URL does not accept site without http://
SAK-7236 Reports are returning the column names and not the set column titles in the sql
SAK-7238 Possible Injection vunerability in JLDAP
SAK-7251 If a site name has trailing empty space(s), any assessment created in that site is not seen by students
SAK-7253 Duplicate component ID 'editTotalResults:sectionpicker' found in view
SAK-7255 A separator should be placed before (copy sent to sender) on the "Message Sent" confirmation page
SAK-7257 Options on the Compose page are not "reset" after sending a message
SAK-7261 Collapse action links not separated from rest of text
SAK-7268 "Read Full Description" of forums and topics shows an editable rich text field
SAK-7283 "copy to E-Mail Archive" checkbox present even if site doesn't have E-Mail Archive tool in it
SAK-7284 New mailtool permissions might require an SQL coversion script
SAK-7290 score displayed wrongly in student review for setting assessment score student can see only
SAK-7291 Worksite Term cache doesn't scale
SAK-7292 incorrect score in student view if only student's Question score turn on, others off
SAK-7293 Grader comments at question level is missing
SAK-7301 rwiki gives exceptions when content is null in the database
SAK-7303 audio recording should not allow a zero and negative number.
SAK-7305 Podcasts / Publish time displayed is different from publish time entered
SAK-7306 Cancel button in remove question confirmation page does not go back to previous page
SAK-7310 Using French causes duplicate tools to be listed in sites
SAK-7311 Tool title and descriptions should be internationalized
SAK-7313 sitesearch.noshow.sitetype allows preventing only one site type from showing in search
SAK-7315 Error is seen when user tries to update a pool. Happens only when navigate from Add subpool link.
SAK-7316 Login field can "steal" password - doesn't check for password focus
SAK-7317 student shouldn't see instructor feedback text, comment or grading attachment before the instructor returns/releases the submission to the student
SAK-7319 Upload/Import / Error when adding spreadsheet to dock with same title as another spreadsheet
SAK-7320 CM adapter for legacy CM provider displays ID, not title
SAK-7321 Removing a user causes entire group membership to disappear
SAK-7322 Upload/Import / Error when uploading blank spreadsheet
SAK-7324 Hibernate error from concurrent changes
SAK-7325 NPE from 'Show other sites'
SAK-7329 Grading action buttons incorrect
SAK-7335 When nothing is answered for an Numeric Response question type, exception is seen in Question Score page
SAK-7338 JLDAPUserDirectoryProvider.findUserByEmail() uses Id instead of Eid
SAK-7339 Files with Uppercase file extensions are served from Resources as octect-stream
SAK-7344 dbcp pool exhausted
SAK-7345 Initial view of question responses is unsorted
SAK-7346 Bad file descriptor
SAK-7348 Kerberos provider setting id instead of eid
SAK-7355 The Select Individual Users Links Generate Errors in IE
SAK-7356 Guests are Not Included in Recipient Lists
SAK-7358 GB student view fails on some configurations
SAK-7360 new and new.topic Permission descriptor needs to be clearer in Discussion tool - does not accurately describe functionality
SAK-7361 commenting / number of characters for counter needs to be configurable
SAK-7368 Download spreadsheet - names (rows) in random order
SAK-7373 "Start Time" and "am/pm" not working when set to 12:00am
SAK-7374 site info / arrow is pointing up down when columns are sorted in ascending order
SAK-7377 CM Service on MySql exhibits improper date handling
SAK-7380 Assessments through published URL do not use correct skin
SAK-7381 Final assessment page button layout counter-untuitive
SAK-7382 bugreport property strings in wrong place
SAK-7383 Email sent to user when creating a syllabus doesn't contain link to syllabus
SAK-7384 privacy manager / confirmation message class should be set to success
SAK-7385 privacy manager / toolbar title and tool title do not match
SAK-7386 privacy manager / list of sites should be in alphanumeric order according to spec
SAK-7387 privacy manager / Note should not appear in Privacy Status widget in Prefs
SAK-7389 privacy manager / Minor changes needed for instructions
SAK-7391 privacy manager / error displayed inappropriately
SAK-7393 mc notifications / sites should be listed alphanumerically if not according to prefs
SAK-7394 mc notifications / tool tip should be the same as that for other sakai links
SAK-7397 Users do not have permissions to view matrix files/forms in a Portfolio presentation.
SAK-7398 site info import from site / sending out announcement notifications on import
SAK-7399 status remains 0 when timed assessment is submitted automatically, isLate is also not set
SAK-7400 An instructor is unable to access the Question Scores page: it is always
SAK-7404 i18n: Matrix cell status can not be translated.
SAK-7409 When a user has been deleted that has submitted items for eval, the Eval tool gets cranky
SAK-7411 syllabus / rename back button in preview to revise
SAK-7414 student view / window does not expand when student views comments
SAK-7415 Name of Chat Room does not appear at the top of the tool
SAK-7416 show roster / change tool tip for print icon
SAK-7417 print friendly view / change page heading
SAK-7418 print friendly view / remove underline from print iconr
SAK-7419 roster / page heading should be changed
SAK-7421 roster / text changes for official photo id link
SAK-7423 Wiki does not display properly in Edit mode
SAK-7428 Data truncated for column 'SESSION_USER_AGENT'
SAK-7429 Improve the "content has changed" message
SAK-7438 Duplicate component ID creating a freeform portfolio
SAK-7441 Order of workflow options after an evaluation is not consistent
SAK-7442 Attachments submitted by an instructor to a returned assignment submission is lost
SAK-7443 Commenting in Wiki creates a new page.
SAK-7444 The Log for a gradebook assignment does not display correctly
SAK-7447 Students can take a non-anonymous assessment as nobody
SAK-7449 Only submitted test scores should be sent to gradebook.
SAK-7451 Folder shown in inconsistent state after navigating via breadcrumb
SAK-7452 Phantom sessions from precision effects
SAK-7453 Search generates an exception on first use and you have to manually create the shared segments directory
SAK-7455 mc notifications / remove reset icon
SAK-7456 privacy manager / remove reset icon
SAK-7457 Rwiki / not rendering links with special characters correctly
SAK-7458 duplicate content.all.groups SAKAI_REALM_FUNCTION entry in mysql/sakai_realm.sql
SAK-7459 Existing active UsageSession may be replaced by new session
SAK-7460 WebDAV authorization error uploading with Mac OS X client
SAK-7461 html page / unable to revise file after replacing with document from my computer
SAK-7465 Tweaked imported quiz throws an exception when trying to preview as instructor
SAK-7466 After navigating one folder back, that folder has the "Open this folder" (+) link instead of "Close this older" (-)
SAK-7468 mc / unable to reply to hidden user
SAK-7469 mc / error msg received when missing a recipient is worded wrong
SAK-7470 roster / print icon should be right aligned
SAK-7471 'Assignment List by Students' displays Group Aware assignments beneath all site participants; not just group participants.
SAK-7487 Easier Way to see 'Ungraded' first for quick grading
SAK-7488 Cannot change owner of project site shown in Worksite Setup
SAK-7514 January events may not be listed
SAK-7518 Java Dump with Drafted assignment submission
SAK-7519 Gradebook "permissions" are obfuscated by Section Info (pertains to granting Teaching Assistants permission to grade)
SAK-7521 Oracle conversion script for 2.2.1-2.3.0 fails for rwiki conversions
SAK-7522 Students cannot see Instructor comments in Returned Assignment Submission
SAK-7524 Change 'Revise' to 'Edit' in Worksite Setup
SAK-7530 Wiki permissions use term 'Update' for permission rather than 'Edit'.
SAK-7531 404 error when downloading assignment spreadsheet in a site with "/" in the site title
SAK-7539 Users without first and/or last names appear as checkboxes with blank labels in dropdowns
SAK-7540 Mailtool not respecting permissions added by using !site.helper
SAK-7542 inconsistency in the way tabs are named in announcements
SAK-7543 Viewing number of announcements does not work correctly
SAK-7545 use permissions from podcasts folder in resources to control podcasts tool
SAK-7546 PM / Empty Title on New Folder Title causes Stack Trace
SAK-7547 Email notification for a file that is hidden in Resources causes an HTTP 404 error.
SAK-7548 Attempts to import Blackboard zipped archive fail quietly
SAK-7549 Can't delete a saved snapshot
SAK-7550 Databases label columns differently
SAK-7551 Artifact loading doesn't work properly with the direct database switch
SAK-7552 Email sent to collab sites from Mac mail that include attachments show up blank to receivers
SAK-7553 import chokes if formatting exists in textarea boxes of 'settings'
SAK-7561 changes in assignment point value don't get pushed to gradebook
SAK-7563 Insert Image defaults to 0, 0 (height, width), hiding image
SAK-7566 An existing Group has 22 participants but none are listed in Group Member List when clicking on Revise
SAK-7567 Eliminate "cumulative score" confusion in the Gradebook
SAK-7573 import from site breaks linked content in attachments and links within editor
SAK-7574 Password fields incorrectly checked when removing user
SAK-7575 User id field shows userid of last user after removing a user and editing another user
SAK-7581 Tighten up web content import/export to eliminate "special" sakai.iframe uses
SAK-7584 renaming folder exceptions from private message forum
SAK-7585 Reordering Resources changes the Modified date for all items
SAK-7588 FormattedText matches too many times for tags where one is a substring of the other (i and img)
SAK-7590 Resources needs further i18n
SAK-7591 RSS titles should use ui.service name rather than 'Sakai'
SAK-7594 Deleting the last saved snapshot of a live report deletes the live report too
SAK-7595 Save a Snapshot page in blank
SAK-7596 Some kind of report xsl to show the internal report xml
SAK-7601 Hardcoded 'someone' in sam_authzdata_t table
SAK-7610 Reports can't access resources by url
SAK-7615 Removing all content from a Wiki page results in Java dump
SAK-7617 Import from file of Schedule items not working
SAK-7621 generating alert message during creating of assignment creates incomplete assignment
SAK-7625 osp-portal throws NPE when users visit sites with placements for invalid tools
SAK-7635 Mailtool detects addition of "Email Archive" tool but not removal